Why Detergents Are Still Preferred for Commercial Cleaning

Why Detergents Are Still Preferred for Commercial Cleaning

Here at All Pro Cleaning Systems, we are big fans of detergents. We are not alone, either. Detergents are still preferred cleaning solutions among cleaning companies of all types. They bring a lot to the table, including some benefits we cannot get from other types of cleaners. You probably have a variety of detergents in […]

Valid Reasons to Let Professionals Clean Apartment Common Areas

Valid Reasons to Let Professionals Clean Apartment Common Areas

Apartment complexes have their common areas. Think offices, hallways and corridors, personal fitness rooms, libraries, and so forth. How those spaces are kept clean varies from one property to the next. Here at All Pro Cleaning Systems, we believe it is best to leave such spaces to professionals. In the absence of bringing in a […]

The White Glove Test: Nostalgic but Not All That Helpful

The White Glove Test: Nostalgic but Not All That Helpful

Are you familiar with the white glove test? It is one of a countless number of ways to determine whether a space is clean. We have seen it depicted in movies, on TV shows, and in the theater. But here’s the deal: while the white glove test might be nostalgic, it isn’t all that helpful […]

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Daily Janitorial Cleaning

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Daily Janitorial Cleaning

What comes to mind when you hear or read the word ‘janitor’? If you are like most of us, you imagine the janitor from your high school. You might even imagine what his daily janitorial cleaning was like. But does your imagination reflect reality? It has been our experience that organizations tend to underestimate the […]

Custom Commercial Cleaning Is the Way to Go – Here’s Why

Custom Commercial Cleaning Is the Way to Go – Here's Why

Hiring a commercial cleaning company means having choices. For example, an organization can select from a number of static levels of service or go with a custom cleaning package. A good service provider can give each customer exactly what it needs in terms of cleaning services and schedules. That said, we think custom cleaning is […]

Business Cleaning Is Pretty Broad – What Do You Need Cleaned?

Business Cleaning Is Pretty Broad – What Do You Need Cleaned?

Here at All Pro Cleaning Systems, we would be accurate to advertise business cleaning services. But business cleaning is a pretty broad area. So rather than trying to figure out what potential clients need, we simply ask: what do you need cleaned? Business cleaning encapsulates just about every cleaning task one might find in a […]

How Clean Does Your Commercial Space Have to Be?

How Clean Does Your Commercial Space Have to Be?

Cleaning is an interesting endeavor. How clean does a space actually have to be? Furthermore, what defines ‘truly clean’ or ‘clean enough’? Although such questions are not easily answered, they are questions for which professional cleaning companies, like All Pro Cleaning Systems, need to continually account for. What constitutes ‘clean’ is not clearly defined. On […]

How to Avoid Those Nasty Carpet Stains in the Office

How to Avoid Those Nasty Carpet Stains in the Office

None of us appreciate having stained carpets at home. When it comes to work though, it is easy to look the other way because you don’t own either the carpet or the space. But stains in the office carpet still matter. They make a space look run down and not well cared for. Avoiding stains […]

Pollen Is Back on the Agenda for Daily Cleaning Routines

Pollen Is Back on the Agenda for Daily Cleaning Routines

It is that time of year again. With spring now fully entrenched in the northern hemisphere, flowers and grasses are blooming. That means pollen is in the air. Spring is one of the most uncomfortable seasons for allergy sufferers. So for commercial cleaners, minimizing discomfort is all about minimizing pollen exposure through daily cleaning routines. […]

Things That Are Easy to Miss When You Don’t Clean for a Living

Things That Are Easy to Miss When You Don't Clean for a Living

Business owners have a reasonable expectation of thorough service from their commercial cleaning providers. Whether a business owner runs an office, an industrial company, or even a facility management company managing dozens of properties, he expects his cleaning provider to do the job. After all, professional cleaners clean for a living. What do you do […]

Why Use a Sweeper on Non-Carpeted Floors?

Why Use a Sweeper on Non-Carpeted Floors?

Every industry has its tools of the trade. One of ours is the sweeper. A sweeper is the equivalent of a mechanized broom or dust mop. As it travels down a tile or hardwood floor, it sweeps and picks up dirt, debris, etc. Sweepers come in a variety of sizes and styles. Some are manual […]