Why Steam Cleaning Is So Useful in Industrial Environments

Why Steam Cleaning Is So Useful in Industrial Environments

Industrial environments are among the most difficult to clean. As a company that offers industrial cleaning services, we know first-hand what a challenge industrial dirt, grime, and grease pose to cleaning crews. It is a good thing crews have access to tools like steam cleaning. Speaking of steam cleaning, it is a curious beast. Did […]

What Types of Dusters Are Used in Commercial Cleaning?

What Types of Dusters Are Used in Commercial Cleaning?

One of the keys to success in commercial cleaning is choosing the right tools. Consider the humble duster. Did you know that there are different types of dusters designed for different kinds of jobs? Commercial cleaning services tend to keep several distinct types on hand depending on the kinds of spaces they clean. Whether your […]

The Communication Log Book: We Have Used It From the Start

The Communication Log Book: We Have Used It From the Start

All Pro Cleaning Systems clients are familiar with what is known in our industry as the ‘communication log book’. Why? Because it is something we have used from the very start. We believe that one of the keys to successful business relationships is clear communication. The communication log book is a great tool for doing […]

Should We Be Cleaning the Office 3 or 5 Times Per Week?

Should We Be Cleaning the Office 3 or 5 Times Per Week?

We love getting questions from both existing and potential clients. One of the questions we frequently hear from new customers is whether they should schedule cleaning 3 or 5 times per week. Here is the answer: it depends. When it comes to office cleaning, scheduling is really about figuring out your needs based on how […]

Cleaning Tips for Facility Management Companies – How to Stay Ahead

Cleaning Tips for Facility Management Companies – How to Stay Ahead

Here at All Pro Cleaning Systems, our hats are off to facility management companies. Facility management staff work extremely hard to keep properties up to spec. Something as simple as daily cleaning can turn into a monumental task when facilities are packed with people going about their daily routines. Cleaning crews pressed for time may […]

As Spring Arrives, Don’t Let Mold and Mildew Join the Party

As Spring Arrives, Don't Let Mold and Mildew Join the Party

Another long winter is drawing to a close. In about a month or so, spring will be at the doorstep. So will the spring rains so many of us are familiar with. And with rain comes the potential for mold and mildew. What can you do to keep mold and mildew from joining your spring […]

What Types of Equipment Are Used for Industrial Cleaning Jobs?

What Types of Equipment Are Used on Industrial Cleaning Jobs

You have probably seen TV and movie depictions of your typical office cleaners. A common depiction shows a man or a woman pushing a cleaning cart equipped with a trash bin, brooms and mops, spray bottles, and cleaning rags. There might even be a vacuum cleaner attached. But what about industrial environments? What types of […]

Tidying Up Can Make a Huge Difference in Business Cleaning

Tidying Up Can Make a Huge Difference in Business Cleaning

All Pro Cleaning Systems sends cleaning crews to all sorts of properties. We clean offices, medical buildings, retail outlets, restaurants in bars, and even industrial and manufacturing spaces. While each property’s cleaning needs are somewhat different, every property has something in common: tidying up at the end of the day can make an enormous difference […]

Reviewing and Updating Your Company’s Cleaning Master Plan

Reviewing and Updating Your Company's Cleaning Master Plan

Cleaning a large industrial center or manufacturing facility is a lot more complicated than cleaning a small office. The bigger and more complex a facility, the more likely it is that a service provider like All Pro Cleaning Systems will develop a cleaning master plan. And when a master plan is in play, it is […]

Optimizing Post-Construction Cleaning to Ensure Worker Safety

Optimizing Post-Construction Cleaning to Ensure Worker Safety

Commercial cleaning services are sometimes asked to come in and clean things up after a construction project. Needless to say, post-construction cleaning can be both challenging and somewhat risky. It is important that cleaning procedures and policies be optimized to ensure workers’ safety. The work environment needs to be made safe for cleaning crews. In […]

Best Practices for Deep Cleaning in Office Environments

Best Practices for Deep Cleaning in Office Environments

Daily and weekly cleaning keeps the typical office in pretty good shape. But even the cleanest offices have deep cleaning needs. Every once in a while, you just need to move things out of the way and clean as deeply as possible. Fortunately, deep cleaning doesn’t have to be terribly disruptive. Below are some of […]