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How Your Employees Can Contribute to a Cleaner Workplace

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How Your Employees Can Contribute to a Cleaner Workplace

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All Pro Cleaning Systems specializes in commercial and office cleaning, industrial cleaning, business cleaning, and cleaning and routine maintenance for facility management companies. Each of our areas of expertise comes with its own unique characteristics. But there is one thing they all have in common: a client’s employees can contribute to a cleaner workplace separate from our cleaning services.

We professional cleaners go to great lengths to ensure spaces are as clean as they can possibly be. But cleaning crews cannot be on site 24/7. In addition, limited time and resources may prevent cleaning crews from doing the best job possible. But what if employees pitched in? What if they did some simple things to make life easier on cleaners?

Maintaining Personal Workstations

Encouraging employees to keep their own workspace clean and tidy is one of the easiest ways to support cleaning crews. A tidy workstation requires less effort to keep it clean. It is also faster to clean because a paid cleaner doesn’t have to worry about where things belong, what to save and what to throw out, etc.

The thing about maintaining personal workstations is that it is not hard to do. Employees can take a few minutes at the end of the day to clean off their desks, throw away the trash, and tidy up a bit.

The End of the Day Checklist

You can encourage your employees to maintain their workstations by creating an end-of-the-day checklist. This is something that factories do on a regular basis to ensure employee safety from one shift to the next. Yet the principal can be applied in an office setting to make daily cleaning more effective. Note that a checklist does not need to be long and extensive. Completing just a few simple tasks can make an enormous difference.

Cleaning Up Messes

Employees can also pitch in by cleaning up their own messes. For example, it doesn’t make sense to not wipe down the microwave after allowing one’s lunch to explode inside it. A quick cleaning is always easier right away. On the other hand, allowing food to dry on the inside of a microwave only makes cleaning it that much harder.

Cleaning up spilled liquids isn’t hard to do. Likewise for cutting up cardboard boxes and placing the pieces in the recycling bin. It is not necessary to leave messes behind just because an employer pays for professional cleaning services.

Good Habits in the Restrooms

Restrooms are a top priority for professional cleaning crews. They should be. Restrooms are a source of germs and bacteria that can make people ill. Cleaners should give their all to making sure restrooms are clean, sanitized, and disinfected.

Employees can help by practicing good habits in the restrooms. A prime example here is making sure that paper towels and scrap pieces of toilet paper end up in the trash can rather than on the floor. Another example is being careful during hand washing to make sure that soap and debris don’t make it to counter surfaces or the floor. Keep it all in the sink.

A Collective Effort Works Better

What we are trying to point out here is that a collective effort works better at keeping workplaces clean. There is an added benefit to employees pitching in: the potential to save a little bit of money. A collective effort at keeping the property clean means less work for paid cleaning crews. Less work should mean less money spent on cleaning services. If nothing else, saving money is a strong motivation to encourage employees to lend a hand.

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