Business cleaning services can take on any number of forms depending on the space being addressed. Take restaurants. Cleaning a restaurant shares some similarities with general office cleaning. But there are some unique aspects to restaurants that require special attention. That’s why you wouldn’t hire just anyone to clean a restaurant.
Restaurant cleaning is on the menu, so to speak, at All Pro Cleaning Solutions. If you would like to know more about our commercial cleaning services, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to answer questions and provide a quote. In the meantime, here are the three types of cleaning that restaurant spaces require:
1. Cleaning Food Contact Areas
The biggest cleaning concern in a restaurant space is arguably those areas involving contact with food. Right off the top you’re talking food prep areas in the kitchen. But you also need to pay attention to food staging areas, tables, bar tops, and even coolers and freezers.
Wherever food is present, special care needs to be taken to maintain a clean, hygienic, and sanitary environment. And as you might expect, federal and state regulations require the use of specific cleaning solutions in food contact areas.
Typical kitchen cleaning solutions also act as sanitizers. They contain things like chlorine, iodine, quaternary ammonium, and peroxyacetic acid. The point of using sanitizers is to ensure that food contact areas are not prone to bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
2. Restroom Cleaning
If food contact areas are the top priority for restaurant cleaning, restrooms are a close second. Restrooms are germ havens. We know that. The goal with restroom cleaning is to prevent the accumulation of germs that could be spread throughout the restaurant by employees, guests, or both.
In a restaurant environment, restroom deep cleaning is not an option. Restrooms need to be deep cleaned on a daily basis. After hours, all surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized. Floors need to be mopped, fixtures need to be addressed, and toilets and sink drains need to be cleaned.
Surface cleaning throughout the day is also a wise idea. Depending on traffic volumes, it might be necessary to have an employee clean restrooms every hour or so. Not keeping restrooms clean is asking for trouble.
As a side note, regulations generally require that signs be posted to remind employees to wash their hands after using the restroom. It is important that restroom wash stations be always equipped with plenty of soap and a means by which employees can dry their hands.
3. General Cleaning
The last type of cleaning restaurant spaces require is general cleaning. General cleaning includes things like mopping kitchen floors, vacuuming dining room carpets, washing windows, cleaning slop sinks, and getting rid of the trash.
General cleaning accomplishes several things. First and foremost, it reduces the chances of pests being attracted to the space. The last thing a restaurant owner wants or needs is an infestation of rodents or cockroaches. Pests are bad news all the way around. They can get a restaurant closed.
Another reason for general cleaning is to keep the property looking neat and tidy. Nothing turns restaurant patrons off as quickly as a dirty restaurant. If guests are uncomfortable sitting in a dining room, they won’t. They will find another restaurant to dine at.
Needless to say that restaurant cleaning should never be taken lightly. If you own or operate a restaurant, do you have it cleaned by professionals? We encourage you to consider professional cleaning in order to guarantee a sanitary, hygienic, and tidy restaurant your guests will truly appreciate.