Experts warned us back in 2020 that COVID-19 would not be a temporary medical setback. They warned it would be with us forever, much like the flu and common cold. They were right. That is why companies like All Pro Cleaning Systems recommend cleaning commercial spaces with COVID-19 in mind.
COVID-19 is a concern year-round. But from late fall through early spring, the risks are exacerbated by weather. This is the time of year to start thinking about a beefed up COVID-19 cleaning regimen. We will offer some tips in this post. You can learn more about this topic by visiting the CDC website and searching for documents on cleaning and disinfecting.
No Need to Panic
A good starting point for all of this is to make a point to not panic. The onset of winter weather is no reason to assume that a vast majority of your employees are going to come down with COVID-19. And with COVID-19 cleaning procedures in play, most of them will not.
The CDC recommends selecting cleaners and disinfectants known to work to inactivate SARS-CoV-2, the virus known to cause COVID-19. They also recommend cleaning surfaces before disinfecting them. This makes perfect sense. It is great advice.
Get the Dirt Out of the Way
In order for disinfectants to be effective, they need to come into direct contact with surfaces. They also need at least some time to do what they do. Applying disinfectant to a dirty surface prohibits both. Therefore, best practices dictate surface cleaning with an all-purpose cleaner first. That gets rid of the dirt and grime that will not otherwise inhibit disinfection.
The CDC recommends “the safest method that is also effective.” This generally means traditional liquid disinfectants, wipes, or disinfected sprays utilized according to manufacturer instructions. It is important that cleaning crews read and understand product labels before using a new disinfectant.
We would also like to point out that some disinfectants can be irritating. It’s best to wear rubber gloves at bare minimum. Some stronger cleaning solutions may require the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Don’t Ignore Disinfection
Please understand that disinfecting surfaces is the key to cleaning with COVID-19 in mind. COVID-19 is caused by a virus that can remain active on surfaces for quite some time. The whole point of disinfecting is to deactivate the virus. Otherwise, it is possible to spread it throughout the office just through the natural course of daily activities.
Cleaning and disinfecting with COVID-19 in mind dictate heavy emphasis on high-touch surfaces. These are surfaces like light switches, door handles, elevator buttons, and office equipment. Anything that is frequently touched by a lot of people would be considered a high-touch surface. It is a candidate for regular disinfecting.
A Word About Newer Technologies
We should probably address newer technologies for disinfecting before closing this post. Some of them are mentioned on the CDC website. Note that the CDC maintains a neutral position on such technologies and their effectiveness. The agency does recommend that they be utilized only by professionals trained in them.
These new technologies include things like electrostatic sprayers, foggers and misters, and vaporizers. They may do a better job of disinfecting entire spaces when known cases of COVID-19 are observed in the office. Outside of such cases, traditional cleaning and disinfecting is appropriate.
Winter is on the way. If you are concerned about COVID-19’s potential to infect your workplace, start making plans now to alter your cleaning procedures. Regular cleaning and disinfecting should be sufficient to keep you and your team healthy and safe.