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Advanced Techniques in Deep Industrial Cleaning: From Degreasing to Disinfecting

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Advanced Techniques in Deep Industrial Cleaning - From Degreasing to Disinfecting

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Industrial environments can get extremely dirty due to the nature of many industrial processes. Heavy grease, oil, grime, and microbial contaminants can build up on surfaces and equipment over time. Deep cleaning these spaces requires going beyond basic surface cleaning to penetrate layers of mess and sanitize properly. 

Evaluating the Cleaning Needs

Before developing a cleaning plan, do a thorough evaluation of the space and all equipment. Make note of visibly dirty areas and any noticeable odors. Identify high touch surfaces like handrails and doorknobs that will need disinfection. Consider which areas are most likely to have grease or chemical residue buildup. Also note equipment that will need specialized cleaning techniques like motors or electronics. This assessment will guide which methods and cleaning agents to use in each part of the facility.

Removing Baked-On Grime and Grease  

Over time, oil and grime accumulates on surfaces and gets baked on by heat and pressure. This baked-on residue needs heavy duty degreasers to penetrate and lift the grease away. When tackling extremely stubborn grease, use a combination of products. For example, apply a foaming degreaser first, let it soak in, then come back and power wash. The initial chemical treatment loosens the bond and the pressure washing rinses it away.

Removing Rust, Scale, and Chemical Deposits   

Besides grease, industrial settings commonly accumulate hard mineral deposits, rust stains, and chemical residues. These require acidic cleaners to dissolve the deposits so they can be rinsed away. Apply acid-based cleaners directly to affected areas and let sit for the recommended time before rinsing. When dealing with sensitive metals, start with diluted solutions and test on small spots first to avoid etching the surfaces. Acid cleaners help restore industrial equipment and building interiors by removing layers of accumulated mineral deposits and rust.

Cleaning Floors Thoroughly

Floors endure some of the harshest treatment in industrial facilities. From heavy equipment traffic to oil drips and chemical spills, floor surfaces take a beating. Give floors a deep clean. Address spills quickly to minimize staining. Grease stains need fast action with an absorbent agent like corn starch or kitty litter to soak up the oil before it seeps in and becomes nearly impossible to remove.

Sanitizing Surfaces and Equipment  

Industrial spaces need broad spectrum disinfecting to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and mold that can create health hazards. Clean first to remove dirt and oils that can interfere with disinfectants, then sanitize.

Apply disinfectants liberally on surfaces and let sit for 5-10 minutes before wiping or allow to fully air dry. Be sure to sanitize high touch surfaces like stair railings, controls, and door handles, which are common transmission points.

Cleaning Sensitive Electronics and Machinery 

Industrial facilities rely on complex machinery and electronics that cannot withstand harsh chemicals or moisture. Clean these components carefully. Avoid excess wetness that can damage systems. When possible, wipe down exterior surfaces separately before opening up panels to gently clean the interior components.

Maintaining Drains

The experts at All Pro Cleaning Systems say you should not neglect floor drains in an industrial cleaning plan. Materials like grease, dirt, and soap scum can create nasty clogs in drains over time. This leads to water backing up and potential hygiene issues.

Use a drain snake to remove debris from drain pipes. Enzyme cleaners help break down organic material like grease and food waste. Pouring boiling water down drains helps melt fatty deposits coating the sides of pipes.


The combinations of proper cleaning agents, tools, and techniques can tackle even heavy industrial grime. It takes diligence to stay on top of cleaning needs before they spiral out of control. But the investment of time and effort pays off in a cleaner, safer work environment.

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