We love getting questions from both existing and potential clients. One of the questions we frequently hear from new customers is whether they should schedule cleaning 3 or 5 times per week. Here is the answer: it depends.
When it comes to office cleaning, scheduling is really about figuring out your needs based on how your office is used, what you do in the office day-to-day, the number of employees working in the office, and other factors. We cannot automatically say that every office needs to be cleaned 3 days per week.
All Pro Cleaning Systems has worked with clients whose offices only needed cleaning once per week. We have also worked with others that requested we come in every single day. Regardless of the schedule, the more important question is whether the office meets your standards for cleanliness.
How many people do you employ?
If you had to guess the most important factor when determining an office cleaning schedule, what would you say? It turns out that the ‘big one’ is usually the number of people a company employs. People create messes. People leave behind waste, dirt, grime, etc. The fewer people there are, the cleaner a space will be. The opposite is also true.
What type of business do you operate?
Taking a close second place behind the number of employees is the type of business you operate. Business type can impact cleaning frequency due to related hygiene concerns. For example, compare a sales office against a medical office.
With a sales office, you are concerned about things like dust, trash, carpet stains, and food spills in the break room. You have all those same concerns in a medical office. However, medical offices also come with additional concerns:
- Bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens
- Biohazard waste and related materials
- A high volume of high-touch surfaces
Even with the same number of employees on the payroll, a medical office might need to be cleaned more frequently. In fact, it is not unusual for medical offices to be cleaned at the end of every business day. That means a minimum of five times per week.
How much foot traffic does your business get?
Another consideration is the amount of foot traffic your business gets. Let us go back to the sales office. You don’t see customers in your office, so foot traffic is limited to your employees coming and going. The amount of dirt tracked in from the outside is minimal.
Now consider a large law firm with several partners and an army of junior attorneys. They are constantly coming and going along with law clerks, couriers, support staff, and clients. The law office gets considerably more traffic and the dirt and grime that comes with it.
Foot traffic becomes a bigger concern during inclement weather. Whether it’s rain, sleet or snow, inclement weather brings in more dirt and grime. Excessive foot traffic during the winter months can lead to more frequent cleaning.
How big is your office?
Finally, office cleaning frequency is influenced by size and layout. Larger offices provide more space for dirt and grime to collect. They typically need to be cleaned more frequently. Likewise, a layout encompassing more work zones typically calls for a more frequent cleaning schedule.
Should you be cleaning your office three days per week? Perhaps. Or maybe five times per week would be more appropriate. The only way to know for sure is to sit down and do a comprehensive assessment. Choose All Pro Cleaning Systems as your cleaning partner and we will help you come up with a suitable schedule.